Monday, 27 July 2009

First start - at last !

Have at last made a start on the MW sampler .... doing it in Needlepoint silks on 25 count evenweave

Mary takes a break

This is my progress so far. The Blue Lagoon has now been replaced and a couple more medallions completed. I am now off on holiday for a few weeks so Mary will have to take a break as she is too big to take with me.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Late Starter

Hello from Morecambe.

I only discovered that this SAL was going on 3 weeks ago and so I started well behind most people. I've never done a sampler like this before even though I've been stitching for 30 years and have done a lot of cross stitch.

After seeing some of the beautiful version of the Mary Wigham I was inspired to do my own version and so it's on 28 count linen and I'm using Danish Flower Thread which is a favourite of mine. The choice of colour was straight going to hang in my lounge so it's going to be mainly blues. I'm enjoying the challenge so far.

To do an Ackworth sampler is especially special as I was born and grew up close by in Wakefield, and had singing lessons from a man who was at the time head of music at Ackworth School.

Looking forward to seeing other peoples ideas


Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Part #1 complete

I completed part 1 at the weekend, and will probably start the second part tomorrow, tonight we are having a family night out, a meal and then the new Harry Potter movie :-) so no stitching at all for me tonight.
Happy stitching:-)
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Thursday, 16 July 2009


I got an email today from blogger saying that this blog has been marked as a spam blog!!! They had locked it so you can't post. I am hoping it is all resolved now. No idea how that happened. Hope no-one else has had problems posting. Anyway, here's to an easy rest of the month!

Mary Wigham Biscornu

Mary Wigham Biscornu
I thought I would show you my latest creation, a biscornu based on two of the motifs from the Mary Wigham sampler. The biscornu is stitched using the fabric and floss colours suggested on the original chart. The centre and corner motifs of the medallion side were taken from elsewhere on the sampler as were the corner motifs on the flower side.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Mary Wigham In The Black Country!

Hello! (waves), I'm Maggie and i live in the West Midlands, hence the title of my post! My apologies for being such a late starter. I have been watching everyone's progress with interest, it's really great how many different interpretation of colours there are out there! My colour choice has come from a couple of the French ladies (gentlemen??) i came across while surfing, i was so drawn to them and they match my house so well that i had to go with them :-)
I'm not sure of the DMC numbers of the French ladies, i just went in search of 2 browns and a red (ish) that went together and i'm liking the effect so far. I know that most of you are wayyyy in front, and i will do my best to catch up but, be warned, i am a s l o w stitcher, lol

Monday, 13 July 2009

Mary in Llangollen ....

... Where Wales welcomes the world!

This weekend, as most weekends, Mary went to Llangollen in North Wales. However this weekend was different as it was the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

In the spirit of this truly international SAL I decided to take a picture of Mary sitting on a bench on Platform 2 of Llangollen Station. In the background is the bridge which has been given the title 'one of the wonders of the Welsh world' with flags from other nations flying from it.

This is what she looks like after her international weekend.

Mary Wigham
Not as much progress as I would have liked but I have now removed and re stitched the medallion done in 'Blue Lagoon' which I think is a big improvement.

2nd Page done

It's too big for the scanner now so I have had to take a photograph and my camera skills are non existant therefore the colours are a bit off. It's coming on nicely and I am really enjoying the sampler.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Finally made a start!

I can't believe how late I am starting this piece - the fabric I ordered took almost two weeks before it was despatched, then went awol in the post, so I had to wait for another to be sent out........ Anyway, finally got my fabric on Thursday, and made a start with the first page. Hoping I'll be catcching you all up soon!

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Mary Wighams Sampler

If you add the three xsts which are on the correspondening R/H side it will bring the motive up to the L/H side and it looks quite alright, I do hope that this is clear .Helenah

Part 6

is ready to download. Sorry if I'm a bit late with this one! x

Late Start from me....

I was a late starter doing the Mary Wigham SAL because I had to wait to get to my LNS, and also because of the bandwidth problem to get the pattern, but I have made it here now.
My LNS is not particularly good for larger amounts of fabric, and so I was limited to doing it on the only colour (mushroom) 28ct evenweave they had. I have chosen to do the pattern in 4 DMC colours, Chocolate 779, Coffee 841, Muted pink 152, and Ecru.

I started at the top left motif and then saw that it was not positioned precisely in the corner, so had to frog the motif, and start all over. I was so eager to forge on with the first part of the SAL,
and the fact that I am used to starting in the centre I didn't at first really see that the first motif was not exactly in the corner. Silly me!
I have noticed that the top right motif on the pattern is not symmetrical, probably because there was some damage on the original sampler, so charting was made difficult. I have looked at other ladies pics on here to see what they have done about it, and some have tried to put the pattern right where the flower joins the outer edging, and some have done it exactly as the pattern shows to do it. Now I am in a quandary as to which way to stitch it. Nevertheless I love this pattern.

Monday, 6 July 2009

I think the 'Blue Lagoon' has got to go!

Here is my progress so far.

Mary Wigham
I had a scary moment with Mary last weekend which you can read about on my main blog here.

Having stitched some more I think I will be frogging the medallion done in Blue Lagoon. I might still use that colour for some of the flowers, I don't know yet. Just out of interest the floss I am using, Caron Wildflowers, comes in 33 metre skeins, you cannot split the floss. Now I'm really stingy with my orts but I have just started my second skein!

Mary Wighams Sampler

As an Expat, I feel very privilaged to be a member of your blog.I am stitching mine in the original colours on 25 count laguna 1 over 1. and I am really enjoying it. I will be stitching mine in Papamoa, Bay of Plenty New Zealand.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

First page done !

Finished the first page tonight, it's starting to come together ! I am really enjoying stitching on Mary and wish I had more time to devote to her, ahh, if only I didn't have to work lol.
How is everyone else doing ?
Jen F

Charts available

The charts are now back to normal and available from Needleprint blog. Please go there to get the latest instalments. I think we're up to part 5 although I'm no where near that far. Link in the welcome message at the top of blog. x