Thursday, 30 December 2010


I've been working on Mary over the last few days and so thought I'd share an update


Sunday, 10 October 2010


My Mary is the next project I'm doing a SAL on with a friend every Friday, we've been working on Quaker's every week for almost 2 years now and we decided that this time we would both work on one that we both already had as a WIP instead of starting something new.

So from now till she's done I'll be posting almost weekly although some weeks I don't get much done

Monday, 4 October 2010

Progress on Mary - October 2010

Poor Mary hasn't been in the stitching heap for a while as I was traying to get other stuff finished. Anyway a few spare weeks and she's come out and had a bit more added. I've nearly finished the first 6 pages now and I'm happy with the overall look so far. Now she's wrapped up and away again, probably till Christmas when I'm on holiday again.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Mary Wigham

Dear Hazel, I took you up on the challenge, and I have finally finished "Mary' It feels so good. Now I am wondering what sort of frame they would have used way back then, has any one any ideas? Helenah.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Julia's part 1

Thought I'd drop in and let you all see how I'm progressing with this one. I'm using 6 shades of lilacs in DMC on 40ct Newcastle Linen. Off to start the 2nd chart now :)

Thursday, 18 February 2010

She's finished! or Mary goes back to school!

On Saturday, whilst staying at the Holiday Inn in Doncaster I put the final stitches into Mary Wigham. Ackworth is not that far away from Doncaster, so on Sunday morning we went there.

I finished her off today by hemstitching all round. This was my first attempt at hemstitching. It took about an hour to set it up and over an hour to stitch each of the sides.

As a result of a counting error, probably caused by altering so many of the motifs, I was unable to fit in the two half flower motifs on the upper to mid right hand side. I also chose not to add the initials but I did put in my own with the date. So for the record this was done on 32 ct lambswool linen with Caron Wildflowers Blueberry. I used Gutermann colour 169, an perfect match, for the finishing.

Good luck to the rest of you out there with this project.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Right who is up for a challenge????

Okay so I admit, Mary Wigham has been last on my list of wips to get going with. I feel kind of sorry for her sat at the bottom of my pile of wips and getting sorely neglected. Sooo.... who is up for a challege??? Does anyone know the exact number of motifs in this design? Could we challenge ourselves to completing several motifs a month to try and get this thing finished in a year??? Anyone up for it? Anyone? If you know the exact number then lets divide it by 12 and see if it's do-able. This is how I managed to get my Beatrix P finished and it really does work if you stick to a system. I would love to have another ackworth sampler finished. So, come on. Let me know on this post if you're up for it.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Julia makes a start

Hi everyone,
I've just joined up after seeing some of the beautiful work from here on other forums. I live in Northumberland on the North East coast with DH and 3 Golden retrievers which are my 'family' who I show at weekends too, so weekend time is limited!
Anyway its taken some deciding on what colour I was going to stitch this in, so here is my decission and first motif stitched up. I'm going to aim at 1 motif a week to make this feasable in my stitching programme, and as I (foolishly) decided on 40 ct Antique Edinburgh Linen, my eyes probably wont take much more!!

Looking forward to seeing others progress now...

Monday, 25 January 2010

Update, as promised

Following my comment on Hazel's post yesterday here is my progress so far.

Each motif takes, on average, a day. I think I have about six days left on this. I am not putting in all the initials. I may put in the alphabet in upper and lower case if I can find a chart. Does anyone know where I can find one?

Putting in the borders of the internal medallions was in an attempt to kid myself that I really was further on than I was.


Lovely freebie chart from Rosemary found on Needleprint here:
