Tuesday, 2 June 2009

About Me

Hi I am Rachael, been stitching for about 7 years, started with doing the small kits on Magazines,and like most people the cutesy designs although only really got into it just over the last 2 or 3 years with the introduction of the Internet, and finding all the wonderful designers from all over the world.

I don't think I have a favourite theme I tend to stitch whatever catches my eye,and I prefer the Evenweave fabrics to Aida, very rarely do I use Aida now. I just love Hand dyed fabric and threads. Obviously the most recent thing to catch my eye is Quaker samplers, I am taking part in the Beatrix Potter SAL, which I love but the fabric I choose is a pain to stitch on!
Last year I learnt how to do Hardanger so that is something else I love doing.
My blog is here if you would like to have a look.

Right the other stuff about me~
I am 34, married to Andy,we have three children Reece(12),Lucy(9) and Jack(7)
I look forward to seeing everyone's progress on this SAL

As for Mary, I haven't decided on fabric or threads yet!

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