Monday, 8 June 2009

I've started!

When I came home last night, from a weekend away, my parcel from Sew and So had arrived! So, whilst the final of The Apprentice was on I made a start. Here it is.

Mary Wigham SAL

I have chosen the suggested 32 ct Permin lambswool, at the moment like cardboard and Caron Wildflowers, Blueberry. The colour changes with the Blueberry are really subtle but I think you can see them on the photo. I am worried that doing the whole sampler in one colour might be too much (dark). This afternoon, having sent a 'I need help' email to one of my main blog followers who is a member of the USA version of this SAL, to see if there were any 'rules' re colours and how do you choose which motif to do in what, which, there aren't apparently, I decided to go for another colour, just in case, and rang Sew and So. I had the colours upon the screen and the nice Sew and So lady went into their 'Floss Room' and looked at the real thing to confirm if they went with the Blueberry or not. In the end I ordered two more blends but have forgotten their names!

Hope to see some progress pics from everyone else soon. Happy Stitching!


  1. Oh im so jealous you have started! Lovely!Arent Sew and so just great :)
    As for the apprentice i was hoping Kate would win
